Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday five.. Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving... In particular order here is who and what I am thankful for in no particular order ....

1. School ( Drew Theological Seminary)

2. Michelle

3. The Walters

4. Andrea

5. My call


Unknown said...

Glad school is on the list! Sometimes at this point in the semester it won't be!!!

revhipchick said...

great list! i love seminary! (saint paul school of theology). i hear drew is great! good luck with all the ordination stuff. i'm currently in the process (umc also) and just became a certified canidate.

great blog!
happy thanksgiving and delurking week too!

Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Becca. You can read my blog at I think I wrote down the wrong url on your paper. I try not to use my real name too much, because I'm pretty frank in my online life. Not that that's any different in person, mind you.

Cathy said...

Yep, I am delurking too - great things to be thankful for!

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